Vector Operations
Vector Operations involve querying data into a temporary layer, which can then be utilized.
- Spatial Data Analysis: input -> spatial operation -> output
- Sequence of spatial operations to form a complex analysis
- These can have one or many inputs and one or many outputs
Selection (Query)
- single layer selection: select features based attributes or on spatial criteria such as:
- adjacency
- can be shared line required
- can be shared line OR node required
- overlap
- containment
- adjacency
- multilayer selection:
- set algebra
- boolean algebra
- examples:
- states north of Arkansas
- states larger than 84k sq km
- state both entirely north of Arkansas and larger than 84k sq km
Binary Classification
If entities within a layer are either True or False (1 or 0)
Classification Schemes
Use the best classification scheme to illustrate the data.
- equal interval
- natural breaks
- quantile
Dissolve Based on Attributes and Re-Classification
Combine like features on attributes.
- Example 1:
- Initial layer:
- grain crops
- orchards
- residential
- commercial
- New Layer:
- agricultural
- non-agricultural
- Initial layer:
- Example 2:
- Initial layer:
- states
- Reclassificiation:
- Binary into West or East of the Mississippi
- New Layer:
- E
- W
- Initial layer:
MAUP and Dasymetric Mapping Example: use aggregation to examine different statistical distributions of